Lola Mercedes Parker
Founder of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Inc.
June 1, 1929
Chicago, IL
Ethel T. Edwards
Mildred G. Hardin
Harriet M. Robinson
Ophelia Harrison
Burdette Trigg
Marjorie Tyndall.

Mission and Aim
To unite in a sisterhood qualified business and professional women who will encourage, inspire, nurture, and assist persons engaged in business vocations.
Make worthwhile contributions to the changing socio-economic patterns of our time;
Project the philosophy of the pursuit of excellence in all worthy endeavors among youth and adults;
Develop leadership expertise among business and professional women.
Unite in sisterhood qualified business and professional women in order to enhance and improve the status of women in our highly complex, competitive business and professional world;
Promote increased interest in the broad field of business education among high school and college young women through planned programs and scholarships;
Encourage the development of personal goals and leadership potential; and
Establish and promote civic and social service activities for youth and adults.
THEME 2021-2025
Business and Professional Women: Furthering the Dream of Economic Independence
June 1, 1929
September 30, 1930
April 27, 1980
April 3-5, 1981
Lola M. Parker founded Iota Phi Lambda Sorority on June 1, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois. Alpha Chapter would be the first Chapter.
We would later become incorporated on September 30, 1930. After which we would be named Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
"The Northern and Western Regions merged into the Central Region the weekend of April 25th-27th, 1980. This historical event took place in Toledo, Ohio. It was the 41st and 43rd conference for these respective regions. Prior to this conference, there were two successful workshops held in Indianapolis, Indiana to smooth out any objections or compromises needed for an acceptable transition”
The merger was unique in that the Central Region was left with not one, but two capable Co-Regional Directors, Mary L. Oakes, Alpha Iota; and Dorothy J. Williams, Alpha Beta" (Ward, 2000).
“Soror June Brown of Alpha Lambda was appointed to serve as Chairperson for the First Central Regional Conference, held April 3rd-5th, 1981 at Oak Lawn Tower Inn” later purchased by Hilton. “Delegates and Sorors representing 19 Chapters and ten states were present when the first Business Session was called to order with Soror Mary L. Oakes Co-Director presiding”(Ward, 2000).
Reference: Ward, Jane.(April 2000). Research compiled and
presented at Central Region Conference April 2000